Tranquility found in Humility? (Who would’ve thought)
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In addition to the Humility Process, I also give coaching sessions on how you can grow into your purpose through building a personal pantry prep.
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“Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.”
-Philippians 4:9
& So in precept we’re reminded that in establishing our thoughts that whatever things be honest, whatever is just & pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue or any praise, think on these things.
These are things that will help the mind to draw near toward that healthy conscience in sincerity of spirit. Whereby we often find that these things either begin with confession or be led into confession, (which, as a reminder, is the core of our humility). But then we also find in the process, that whatever things are both learned & received, as well as heard & seen in spirit, that we do these things. This is so that tranquility of spirit may be obtained, which is Divine peace.
Step into your Divine Partnership
So in this we see a sort of partnership between Divine & the disciple. A partnership in which the person is being remissioned through spirit toward a higher calling, whereby they may overcome their obstacle of affliction. These are things we achieve through alignment with that “higher purpose” or “higher self,” & this is what I see as the humility process.
- A routine discipline in which we align with the higher to overcome the lower.
It’s a humbling process, based on the fact that there’s often a great amount of pressure that’s involved. But having endure with patience in the process, we come out of that affliction having refined sense, clarity in perception, sense of purpose, or if nothing else, the pure will to endure. & these are things we can take along with us in our renewed journey as this “new creature” with a story to tell. Confession being made into testimony though process of humility.
In this we find hope with humility in that it breaks down the corruptible qualities of our experience, & builds it back up with enduring, healing, or even perceptive qualities.